Friday, September 25, 2015

Life, Lately

We have been BUSY! Here is a quick update of the things that have been going on in our lives.
We're both working like crazy (more on that below)
Our crazy working means we've also been saving like crazy, woo!
Kayla is begging for a puppy.
McKay's coin collection has grown 10-fold in the last two months.
We've planned a trip to Utah in November for Vanessa's wedding!
We've bought our plane tickets to go and see the Partridge family (McKay's sister's family) this Christmas and are BEYOND excited!! It's been so long since we've spent time with the Coffey side of our family!
Kayla is begging for a kitten.
We've been harvesting and eating lots of grapes, apples, blackberries, and Asian pears from our garden. Due to a gnarly mole, many of our veggies haven't done too well. :(
Our car died randomly, which lead to a crazy weekend. After some troubleshooting we replaced the battery, she's happy as a clam now!
Kayla is begging for any fuzzy little animal, really. She just REALLY wants a pet.
McKay auditioned to join a local choir group, we'll know if he made the cut next week! (although we're fairly certain he has).
And now for a bit more detail:
McKay is working as a full-time phlebotomist. His schedule is a bit random, morning shifts one day, closing the next, so it get's a bit hard to coordinate transportation. But so far all has been managed well! He's enjoying his job and the experience it's giving him for PA school. He is currently serving in the Sunday School Presidency, and ends up teaching lessons on Sundays every now and then.
Since school began and my schedule has gone from mornings to evenings, it's been a lot harder to get out and go on hikes and such. Now, there are days when McKay will leave at 6:30 in the morning and we won't get to see each other until 9 at night. It sounds worse than it actually is. We both enjoy our jobs and like to relax in similar ways, so we still get time together at night!
I'm coaching gymnastics, and enjoying it as usual haha. I work nearly every evening and am SO thankful I don't have many problems with my throat. In Utah, I would get sore throats and a cold almost weekly. It was awful. The place was so dry, that even coaching for 15 hours a week had me losing my voice and getting me sick. I got Strep twice in less than a year, ugh! Now I'm coaching 30 hours a week, and haven't gotten sick once! My throat will get sore occasionally, but it's never been as bad as in Utah. And the longer I'm here, the better it seems to get. Hallelujah! I'm currently serving in the Primary Presidency, which has been all new to me! I haven't done anything primary related in over 10 years, so it was definitely a learning curve.
That's all, really. Work and church! We're hoping to get out and hike sometime next week, summer is ending and it makes me sad!

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