Tuesday, March 10, 2015


We graduate in two weeks. It's been four long years of classes, tests, projects, papers, and presentations, and we're ALMOST THERE. I can hardly believe it! After we graduate, we'll be packing up and moving to Oregon, where we'll work and save up money before grad school. Four years can really make a place grow on you, and Utah has done just that!
Things I won't miss:
The inversion. Bleh! The air is so polluted here, I hate it. I've developed allergies, respiratory issues, and skin rashes just from the dry, crummy air.
The plant life, or better said, the lack thereof. In Provo, a tree is a large stick in the ground with smaller sticks coming out of it. A flower is something we see for 2 weeks in the spring. A bush is only found on business property where they maintain and care for their lawn because they actually care about curb appeal. the only place I ever saw vibrant greens was up in the mountains. The valley is just different shades of one color: brown. I'm giddy to get back to that bright, colorful, Oregon landscape!
Other drivers. When you have a large private school with students from all around the world, driving gets hectic. The one-stoplight, small town guy will not drive like the Southern California girl. Multiply that by the tens of thousands with different locations and you've got the population of Provo drivers in a nutshell. Also, does nobody know what the median lane is for?!
The unintentional emphasis on appearances. I'll get serious for just a second here, because this is a real problem. And I've seen it develop in myself. The perfect family, the perfect home, the perfect style, hair, and body. There is a reason Utah is the largest consumer of antidepressants, and it's not pretty (pun intended haha). The pressure is everywhere to be trendy, fit, clean, stylish, wealthy, and on and on and on. And it's the worst with young mothers. My heart aches to see so much pressure put on outward appearances in a community that preaches to be nonjudgmental.
Things I'll miss:
This gorgeous mountain view and all the hiking trails, waterfalls, and mountain peaks we were able to explore!

Free stuff. Provo is full of free stuff.
My job. I am head over heels when it comes to coaching for All American Gymnastics. I am really going to miss the place!
Pass of all Passes. Because paying $20 to go to water parks, fun centers, and events an unlimited number of times is a total deal.
The Dollar Theaters. They're everywhere! I'm sure there's some in Oregon, but I know there isn't one near where we'll be living. Back to Netflix kiosks it is.
Our tiny 300 sq-ft studio apartment. We've managed to live in that bitty apartment for 2 1/2 years! It's sure got it's fair share of dents and downsides, but we managed. With a rent so cheap, we weren't willing to give it up!
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All the people in the same stage of life as us. Living in a Mormon college town means that there are a lot of people just like you, crammed into one place. It's nice when you need someone who understands your joy or frustrations, because they are literally doing the same things as you: school, work, church, and marriage.
KSL. Why is there not one of these in ever state??? Craigslist just won't do. KSL is where it's at.
Google Fiber. not having to pay for internet is the BEST! Now wherever we go I'll be slightly bitter at all the internet companies totally ripping us off.
Temples. There's like 5 within an hour from where we live! I love to go to them, hear about them, see them as we drive around... they're so bold and white against the brown background. I love it.
The highway! 70 mph with 6 lanes and a carpool lane to choose from? Don't mind if I do.
And most of all, I'll miss these people:

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