Tuesday, December 2, 2014

{ Birthday Season }

I'm gonna take a moment to embarrass my husband and sit here and gush about my birthday. It was a pretty usual day: work, school, homework, etc.

That is until my husband picked me up in a dress shirt and slacks. I immediately got anxious! Where was he taking me? What in the world was he doing?? Not only did he bring me a nice dress and heels to change into, but he also made me sit in the back of the car because he wanted to be my chauffeur.

So embarrassing.

But I kinda loved it.

I spent a good 5 minutes in sheer panic mode because I thought he was taking me somewhere nice to eat. And a fancy restaurant mixed with Kayla the klutz is NOT a good combo. I breathed a sign of relief when he pulled into our driveway and I caught sight of a pretty little set up on our front lawn. He had it all--white table, Christmas lights strung up, sparkling cider, and my personal favorite: Panda Express. It was the simplest romantic dinner we've ever had together and I absolutely loved it. I do regret not taking more pictures though! I was so flustered and caught off guard that it didn't even cross my mind.

He spoils me :)





But, it's ok that he spoils me because I totally spoil him too!

For McKay's birthday I planned a surprise paintball trip. And it was AWESOME. 11 people we able to come and we had a blast shooting each other. Few people know of McKay's "curious" side. And by "curious" side I really mean "super annoying why do you do that" side. (love you, hot stuff) It's the side where if you drop a hint about anything ever and he doesn't understand he will pry and research and do anything it takes to figure out what you eluded to. Which makes surprising him incredibly difficult. Well, I'm happy to say that I managed to catch him totally off guard! Coordinating a surprise party that isn't happening at your house sure is hard, I'll tell you that. People started showing up and he was getting so giddy and excited, it was so funny!



After the paintball we celebrated with some brigadeiro cake!

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For the days leading up to McKay's birthday I did "12 days of birthdays" where I gave him a little gift each day. Some days it was a piece of candy or food, and on others a little note. It was fun! Really, McKay totally loves surprises and presents, his reaction whenever I surprise him with something is totally priceless, which is why I LOVE to surprise him all the time!

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[caption id="attachment_699" align="aligncenter" width="224"]IMG_0285 I gave him the game Chronology, he LOVES that game[/caption]

I gave him a 3D puzzle, and he had so much fun putting it together, looks like it's something I'll be getting him every year!




Hooray for birthday season!


1 comment:

  1. […] We celebrated Kayla’s 21st birthday, McKay surprised her with a romantic candlelit dinner. Kayla’s family came into town for […]
