Sunday, November 16, 2014

{ Update }

This school semester has definitely been the busiest one yet. Now that I'm working at All American and not on campus anymore, we've had to figure out how to share the car with all the back and forth driving we do which makes for a rushed schedule most days.

McKay and I are both full time students right now, and everyday we leave the house around 7:45 and don't get back home until dark, around 6:30. And on Tuesdays and Thursdays I don't get home until 9. It's alright some days, but rough on other days. The weekend is really the only time we get to actually cook meals, clean, and see friends. But hey, such is the life of a college student. Which, by the way, we both only have ONE semester left. Just one. We graduate in April 2015, and I you have no idea how excited I am. Not only are we full time students, but we're both working at least part time. Right now I'm working nearly 30 hours a week at All American, and I would work 30 more if I could, I just LOVE it! I got the opportunity to go around to local elementary schools and help teach a 4-week introductory program to gymnastics for the kids there. It really is so much fun!

Here's what's been happening lately:
We went to my Uncle's cabin for Conference


I went home to Oregon to be a part of the most flawless wedding ever in the history of weddings


And got to spent lots of time with my fantastic parents while there, too!


We went to Hee Haw farms and I not only caught a pig, but also kissed it




McKay somehow carved this masterpiece


We hiked up Rock Canyon with some friends




We're pretty sure the neighbor's "outside" cat really wants to be an inside cat, because she's always visiting us (for hours at a time). And the colder it gets outside the more often she ends up staying in our apartment overnight.


Also, McKay is definitely her favorite human

PicMonkey Collage

And we said goodbye to our lovely garden.

Life sure is busy, but it sure is great.

1 comment:

  1. […] most unlucky BYU football game of the season. We collected 7 perfect pumpkins from our garden and carved them with some friends, then Kayla flew home to Oregon for one of her best friend’s weddings. When she was back we […]
