Friday, December 8, 2017

Halloween 2017

We had such a fun Halloween this year! Last year we were in Brazil, so this was James' first real Halloween (not that he would've ever even remembered the previous year haha).
We did a family costume of a Monkey in a tree and a banana. Luckily, we already had the banana suit from James' first birthday, and I just pulled off some leaves from our houseplant and stuck them in my hair haha, so all we had to buy was the monkey costume which was super cheap at Walmart.
We went trick or treating around campus, which turned out to be way more fun than I expected! James caught on really quick on collecting the candy. But, he had no idea what he was collecting was edible haha he rarely ever gets candy, so he had no idea.
We also attended our ward's Fall festival, which was so much fun! There was a bouncy house/slide, delicious food, a photo booth (which I was in charge of), and trunk-or-treat to end the night.
We had some friends come as a zoo keeper and giraffes, so we posed for a picture with them because our costumes went so well together!
My goal was to collect enough candy from those two events and turn around and use it to hand out to trick-or-treaters at our house on Halloween night. My plan worked perfectly! We didn't have to spend a penny on candy, and we didn't end up with any candy in the house after Halloween. McKay and I aren't really candy people, we'd much rather a bag of chips or something haha. So we're happy with how Halloween turned out!

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