Wednesday, April 26, 2017

James August - 8 Months

8 Months down!!
This kid is so much fun. Seriously! I love how interactive he's getting! For the past two months, James was scooting around and starting to get into everything. It wasn't a big deal because you can only scoot so fast, but he is now crawling! And I think he waited so long because he wanted to be really good at it right off the back haha. Now he is getting into everything much quicker, ah! I'm constantly pulling him off, away, and down from things! He was climbing stairs before he was officially crawling, if that gives you an idea of how active he is haha.

[gallery ids="4074,4075" type="rectangular"]
James still eats like a bottomless pit but gains weight slower than grass grows ðŸ™„. All his moving must burn a ton of calories or something! His current favorites are bananas, peanut butter, and string cheese. He eats those every day. Yes, a WHOLE banana, by the way. In one sitting.
Aside from the crawling, not much has changed since 7 months. He still loves to squeal, clap his hands, and blow raspberries. He started dancing along to music sometimes, and its ADORABLE. Here's a short video I caught of his little baby shimmy. Soooo cute.

[wpvideo 9b9WMJhK]
James is already walking with his walker on his own and transferring from object to object to get around. He is pulling himself up on anything possible.
He is sleeping so so well right now. Hooray!! He sleeps from 9:30 - 8:30 and I nurse him before I go to bed around 11. I love that quiet moment after he nurses at night, he's totally conked out in my arms and it's so wonderful. His naps during the day are somewhere between 2-3 hours right now. It is SO GREAT. He is still in his little love to dream sleep suit, and I've been wanting to transition him to having his arms free but I'm too scared to! haha. Don't mess with a good thing, right? He can roll and move and grab things while his arms are in the suit, so I don't think I'll bother with letting his arms be completely free yet. With his arms in he can't pull himself up to a stand, so that's good!
We are having such a blast watching him grow and hit milestones. For the first time the other day, I was sad about him growing. He's never been one to like sleeping in our arms or to snuggle, it usually only happens at church for about an hour. But I still got a bit sad when I thought about how I wouldn't be able to hold him while he slept one day. The feeling quickly passed as I also thought about how one day I wouldn't have to sanitize the tub and toys after he pooped in the bath or watch him throw food all over the floor or wince in pain when he grabs a fistful of flesh while nursing hahaha. Who knows, maybe I'll miss having scratches all over my collar bone or stepping on day-old banana that my mop missed. Oooooor maybe I won't miss those things. Most likely, I'll just forget about them ever happening haha. Isn't that how mom-brain works? You only remember the good stuff or something?
Anyways, we love our little James August!

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