Sunday, September 25, 2016

James August - 1 Month

Woohoo! James is a month old (as of last week on the 21st) :)
Our little guy is growing, and growing fast! I absolutely love it. From one day to the next he began holding his head up, it's crazy how quick it went. I love watching him learn new things and seeing what he find interesting.
At his appointment last week he weighed in at 10 lbs and measured in the 98th percentile for height! He is the size of your average 2 1/2 month old. Holy guacamole.
[caption id="attachment_2854" align="aligncenter" width="407"]img_3952 The first outfit he outgrew![/caption]
James LOVES staring at the crib slats. They are white against gray walls, so I'm sure it's the contrast. Which is probably the same reason he is mesmerized by the stripes on the rocker and turns to any and all windows and stares outside for ages. Of all the things he's interested in, he loves eating the most (insert eyeroll emoji here) Of the seven deadly sins, this (not so) little man struggles with gluttony!
One of his dislikes is being put in the car seat. But, once he's all clipped in and ready to go, he's as content as can be. I honestly can't think of any other dislikes ...hunger? haha but that's a given. This guy really doesn't cry all that often.
img_3677Breastfeeding has been great from the start. Despite having a tongue tie, he had a great latch and strong sucking reflex. **side note, after learning about Lingual Frenulums once in a lecture, I was pretty certain I had a tongue tie myself. I can hardly stick my tongue out because my Lingual Frenulum is so big. And guess what? I was right! A lactation consultant confirmed it during our appointment when James was a few days old. So although 99.9% of James seems to be McKay (seriously they're like twins) I know he got at least one thing from me, even if it's not a good thing haha. The lactation consultant was impressed at how great of an eater James was despite the tongue tie.
Temperament wise, James is amazing. He loves to observe things around him, and doesn't fuss all that often. I think that's largely due to the fact that both McKay and I are very relaxed, easy going people. I was even more so while pregnant, which was a surprise. I prepared myself to be all hormonal and crazy, but it never happened. I'm just not driven by my emotions. Time and time again I've been told I'll be crazy and hormonal (periods, birth control, pregnancy, etc.) And thus far, I've felt pretty much normal. I think James got that temperament style as well, because he seems pretty relaxed most of the time.

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Anyways, we adore our little guy. There could not have been a better baby to introduce us to parenthood. He has been wonderful to us  <3 McKay is also an incredible father. Seriously. Like, HOW is he so patient?? I was beyond excited to watch McKay be a father and I would never have imagined it to be this great. He's a natural. I thank Heavenly Father for him every day. Today, James was given a baby blessing at church by McKay, and it was beautiful. James was surrounded by some of the most valiant and loving men we know. He has such wonderful men in his life to look up to and emulate.
Happy one month (last week), James! We love you!
Here's the rest of the photos I wanted to share:
James sure loves Nana! And he likes cuddling with the dog Nana and Bopi gave him :)
[gallery ids="2839,2844" type="rectangular"]
Three generation photo! James, his parents, and both sets of grandparents.
Here we have the face James makes after eating haha. This kid is so smiley after he eats! And the second photo is him rooting for his favorite football team, BYU!
[gallery ids="2852,2853" type="rectangular"]

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