Monday, September 1, 2014

{ Epcot }


Our first whole day in Orlando was spent at Disney's Epcot! Guys, that place is cool. It's all about innovation and new ideas, with dozens of interactive ways to experience the newest stuff. It's so neat. They also do a great job getting kids excited about science and math, which I thought was pretty funny. Because it seems like everybody complains about science and math, but as it turns out, those are what people use to invent new ideas and things!

And after all that, I still don't like math. Sorry Epcot, I guess you didn't get to me soon enough.

All the different countries around Epcot were such a fun experience too. Disney does an amazing job at making each country's block look totally authentic. Even the employees who work in a country are required to be a native from that country. So everyone's got thick accents and traditional clothes and unique talents. It's was so exciting.

Out of all the parks we went to, Epcot was definitely my favorite park as a whole. It was like traveling the world in only 5 hours!


We got to try soda from all over the world! They had maybe 8 different countries and their staple carbonated beverage. Brazil's was of course Guarana yum yum. But let this be a warning to all, don't drink Italy's, it was horrid! And if you're the person who has to try it even though everyone else says is gross (aka me) then I strongly suggest you don't take a big gulp. You'll regret it. Just a little one would suffice. I think it said that it was used as a mix-in for alcoholic drinks or something, but either way, it was terribly bitter!


I liked this wall that was in Mexico, and then I wanted to climb on it, so I did.


My favorite country was Morocco, it was gorgeous! I love the tiny tiling everywhere. I also wanted to get a Henna tattoo, I've always liked them, but they were expensive. Boo. Morocco had a little marketplace with small merchant stands and all sorts of little things, it was really neat.



Ice cream in France. It was delish!


Typical tourist picture in a telephone booth in the United Kingdom.




As we were leaving, a HUGE storm rolled in. Like a monsoon-ish storm. IT POURED. I'm from Oregon and I've never seen so much rain pour down in so little time. It was nuts! In the 3 minutes it took us to get to our car, we were soaked through and through. Within an hour, sunny skies turned to storm clouds, it released one heck of a storm, and then boom, it was all gone. Clear skies all over again.

Florida's weird, guys.

And with the ridiculous humidity levels there, once you're wet you don't every dry.

This is a picture of us after leaving Epcot, you can see the wet vs dry lines on people's clothing where their backpack was shielding them!



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