Sunday, January 6, 2019

2019 resolutions

This is solely for me, so you can ignore this post. There’s probably some way to make the post private but I’m too lazy to figure that out haha.

1. Be consistent in a nighttime routine for ME. Washing my face, brushing my teeth, reading, and praying. I just want to be more consistent.

2. Eat better. Subsequently, I’ll probably lose those extra 10 lbs that haven’t gone away after having Nelson. Not planning on making any progress on this one until we move after McKay graduates. It’s harder eating the way I’d like when we’re living with family. And that’s fine with me.

3. Get rid of Facebook and Instagram on my phone and only have them on the iPad, which I’ll only check at night when kids are in bed.

4. Run on treadmill 3x a week.

5. Get Nelson OUT OF MY ROOM.

6. Potty train James.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Nelson Rett - 5 Months

5 months of Nelson! 

The days (and nights) are so so long. But the time does seem to be passing by quickly. Nelson is a happy camper most of the time... as long as he’s in someone’s arms. It’s by far his favorite place to be. I think he will be my cuddly kid. But I think anyone is cuddly compared to James, though. Nelson will hang out on the play mat, in the bumbo, bouncer, walker, etc. for short periods of time. If he goes longer that 10 minutes we’re surprised.

Nelson is on the MOVE. I think it’s what’s helping him enjoy time out of my arms more, because he’s starting to explore. I’ll set him down and within a few minutes he’s easily 5 feet away. Sometimes more. His play mat is on our rug near the Christmas tree, and no matter where we set him down or what direction, he makes his way over to the train that’s set up below the tree. 

He’s grabbing at everything, especially food. Good grief the food. He’s been lunging his body towards anything we eat since he was like 3.5 months old. But shortly after 4 months he started with his arms, trying desperately to grab what we were eating. So I started letting him lick and suck on food. Mostly apples or something on my finger like smushed sweet potato. At this point he’s tried all sorts of stuff, oatmeal, avocado, carrots, rice, beans, and more. He LOVED the rice and beans especially. Must be the 1/4 Brazilian in him hahaha.

Nelson has started laughing more and more, and James can get the most laughs out of him. Especially during bath time - his favorite time of the day. I was having them bathe together but they’ve been separate for about 2 weeks now since we were all sick with hand foot mouth. Sharing bath water with all those open sores is just disgusting. BLEH. 

Because of the HFM, Nelson had his first ER visit (and hopefully last). He hadn’t nursed much at all for two days and was starting to throw up, he was really badly dehydrated. Since I was also sick, I didn’t eat much either, so not only was he not nursing but my milk supply plummeted. It’s been a week and finally TODAY, things feel back to normal. We’re all better now, thank goodness.

One miraculous, wonderful, amazing, I’m-so-happy-about-it, tender mercy through the entire ordeal was is that NELSON STARTED TAKING A BOTTLE. I cried. I legitimately cried when he did. It’s been a such a battle and I’ve felt so suffocated not being able to leave him for more than like 2 hours. He was so starving and the sores in his mouth were so bad that he couldn’t nurse, but the bottle was easier. I’m still so so thankful. I’ll never not be thankful for that tender mercy. 

Nelson isn’t super interested in sitting, he just wants to stand. He loves to bounce and jump, which probably why he prefers the standing.  

As usual, grow baby grow! 

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Nelson Rett - 4 Months

Thank goodness we’ve made it to four months! Each passing month gets better. We’re starting to actually get on a schedule, thank the heavens! I’m almost scared to say that though, in fear of it going completely out the window just because Nelson says so.

Anyways, aside from Nelson being Captain Picky Pants, things are going well. He is really starting to interact with the world around him. Just two days ago he stated reaching for things. We have a giant stuffed teddy bear and if we lay him near it he rolls towards it and reaches to play with its foot/paw. He loves that thing!

He is ALWAYS in the mood for a bath. Hearing the water star to run makes him so so excited. His eyes get huge and his arm and legs start going wild! It’s super cute, and his joy helps give me just a wee bit more energy to make it through bed time. The next two pictures are his face right as the water started running.

Nelson loves being held high up in the air, soft blankets and toys, and being in the carrier. He is starting to MOVE. Which is absurd. But I shouldn’t be surprised. He kicks his legs so hard he scoots himself around. I think he’s starting to do it intentionally, especially for something like our giant stuffed bear. He’ll scoot (on his back) from where I lay him after getting dressed all the way to the bear - about 3 feet away. He’s also pivoting around while on his stomach.

His bowels would make a gastroenterologist giddy. I seem real good at making kids who poop like there’s no tomorrow 💩  Nelson poops nearly every feeding, usually around 4-7 times a day. And James poops at least 3 times a day still. And neither boy has like tiny little poos. Oh no. These are full blown hefty poos. TMI? I don’t care. Just sit for a moment and think of HOW. MANY. DIAPERS. I change a day. Like 8-10. That’s an average of 63 a week. 252 A YEAR. Have mercy. So much poop. I can't imagine having twins with bowels as efficient as his. The horror.

Anyways. Back to the 4 month update. Nelson always wants to be standing. He is just now starting to bounce, too. Those little legs are always working. We have several spots for him to hang out, the play mat, the walker, the bouncer, the rocker, the bumbo, and probably more. Wherever he is, it better be within eyesight of James and the commotion that inevitably follows. Nelson’s best entertainment comes from James going about doing his typical toddler things.

I just read the 4 month post I did for James, and wow, I could just copy-paste the part about sleep. Nelson seems just as bad (probably worse) than his big bro. 1-2 hour stretches. I don’t know if I am dying or already dead. The nights are looooong. But at least his face is cuuuuute. I started some mild sleep training. Just enough to get him to at least put himself to sleep for naps. So that’s already super helpful since I’m not spending 10+ minutes trying to rock him and soothe him.

As I usually say: grow, baby, grow! We’ve got a lot of wonderful times to look forward to together. Now enjoy this adorable video of his gums squeaking on a toy.